Rabu, 28 Agustus 2013

BeIUC About to Held International Conference with IKRAM

Bekasi, August 25th 2013. As the youth organization, Bekasi Islamic Youth Camp held a Halal Bi Halal and announced “BeIUC Goes To Malaysia 2013” at DPD, Bekasi. The tour itself will be held at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on September 15-18 2013 as the first BeIUC's event in South East Asia region. This will be the first event overseas and the second tour of BeIUC after Mush'ab Robbany was sent to Istanbul, Turkey last May.

The Halal Bi Halal was attended by Saiful Fathan Azizi (President of BeIUC), Faiz Robbani (Vice President of BeIUC),  and Sri Zulaikha (Board of Supervisors BeIUC). There were several things that announced in the Halal Bi Halal regarding the tour details and the conference program with IKRAM.

The tour itself will be started on 8.00pm (GMT+7) and expected to be lasting around 4 days with 16 agendas, more or less. It also revealed that the tour will be held with the same concept as the IKRAM tour in Bekasi on March 2013, with a little conference as the highlight. The tour promoters are currently waiting for confirmation regarding the possibility of special meeting with other youth organization in Kuala Lumpur.

In the Q&A sections, Azizi revealed that this will be a four day tour due to the tight schedule of the members of BeIUC and IKRAM itself. BeIUC will be expected to arrive in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday evening and depart to the conference venue, right after the touchdown. The promoters also revealed some of the details of BeIUC deals with IKRAM in order to bring a final decision to form a Youth Moslem Board in South East Asia. (syf)

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